Use Poll

Poll is to ask users to vote/answer a question. A poll can be added anywhere using [cactus-poll] shortcode


You need to install cactus-poll plugin to enable this feature

  1. Click Add New Poll
  2. Enter title (which is Question of the poll) and description of the poll
  3. Enter Answers for the poll in Poll Settings > List Answers. Choose other settings for the poll here toopoll1
    • List answers: Add answers for the poll
    • Enable multiple choices: Allow users to choose more than one answer for the poll
    • Enable captcha: Enable Captch feature for the poll. Make sure you have configured ReCaptch API in Poll Settings page
    • Who can vote: Allow all visitors to vote, or only logged-in users are able to vote
    • Vote Limit: Allow an user to vote only 1 time or 1 time a day
    • Expiry date: Choose expiry date for the poll. After this date, users cannot vote
    • Display result settings: Choose when to display poll results, after users vote or when poll is expiried
  4. Copy Poll ID and use this shortcode [cactus-poll id=””] in a post to display poll
    Note: One post may contain several polls